Luc Kevers

No online availabilities
Make an appointment

Demande de consultation

Pour toute demande de consultation, veuillez contacter le secrétariat du Dr Kevers au 0477/63 70 33.

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Spoken Languages

French (Français)

Contracted status


NIHII number


Frequently asked questions
Where does Luc Kevers work?
Luc Kevers works at: Centre médical du TIlleul (Avenue des Anciens Combattants 63, 1140 Evere).
Does Luc Kevers work in a practice?
Luc Kevers works at the following practice(s): Centre médical du Tilleul
Is Luc Kevers contracted?
Luc Kevers is not contracted.